"True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse."
This quote means that people should focus on things of the heart, not material things. It is suggesting that people need to realize that the heart is what matters most in life. I think that this quote is trying to say that people always like to think that money is more important, and that if you don 't have money then you don't have anything. But that is wrong. What truly matters in life is if you have a kind heart. If you are a kind and generous person, not if you drive a Lexus or if you own a big, fancy house. Material things don't last very long, and they also don't fulfill people. You can be incredibly rich and wealthy, but good does that do if internally you feel completely unhappy? It is important to always keep in mind that our heart is what stays with us forever. The way we treat others, the way we help out where help is needed, and the way we aren't afraid to show that generosity is what determines who we are as people. I feel that this quote is expressing the fact that true happiness and true fulfillment in life comes from the heart, not how many 20$ bills you have in your purse.
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