Student Success Statements
"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad."
Abraham Lincoln
When we achieve a goal, like losing 5 pounds or acing that chemistry test we've been studying for all week, we feel good. We feel positive and happy and on top of the world right? But how do we feel when we lie to our parents, or get an big, fat F on our geometry test? We feel bad, upset, angry, or whatever you want to call. The truth is that good comes with good and bad comes with bad. Our actions are what define us as people. So doesn't it make sense that our actions also determine what we feel? Doing bad things lead to bad consequences. Doing good things brings us good consequences. It is just the way life works. That is why it is important to do what is right. A lot of people want to be successful, want to be someone in life, want to have GOOD things, yet they aren't willing to do what needs to be done in order to receive what they want. This quote explains what every human being goes through in life. We have all done bad things, but we have all done good things to. Sometimes that scale falls off balance though. The most important thing is to always do what is right, not just for ourselves, but for the people we love as well.
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