Dental Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities: The job of a dental assistant is to make the patients feel comfortable and sometimes even examine them as well. They sit at the side of the dentist while he/she is performing a procedure, and they make sure that the dentist has everything he/she needs. Their job is also to keep and collect records. A dental assistant is required to do just that, assist the dentist.
Salary: The average annual wage for a dental assistant is $24,580 to $49,540. Dental assistants that find jobs in cities like Manchester, New Hampshire; Rochester, Minnesota; and Santa Rosa, California have the chance of earning a higher pay than other dental assistants.
Education: Many students take programs at community colleges in order to learn what it takes to become a dental assistant. They usually receive certificates that verify their training and skill. Students are required to pass an exam that tests their knowledge on what they learned. If they pass, they become a Certified Dental Assistant.
Demand for this profession: The number of jobs for a dental assistant in the years 2014-2024 is estimated to be 318,300. The percent change for this employment rate is expected to be 18% by the year 2024.
I would take this job into consideration, but just as a part-time job on the side. I think it would be a good way to learn how to interact with people and to improve my social skills. I also think it would help me learn how to listen carefully to directions.
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