Student Success Statement
"We learn to do by doing."
-Spencer W. Kimball
This quote reminds me of another quote. You know, the one that everybody is always saying. "Practice makes perfect." I think what Kimball was trying to say with this quote is that in order to be REALLY good at something, we need to work at it. The easiest way to experience something or to know what something feels like, is to try it. We learn best when just do. You will never be the best basketball player if you keep being afraid of the ball. You will never know how good you really are unless you TRY to be good. I think it is important that people take risks that will benefit them and that will make their lives better. So, the way I see it, this quote is pretty self-explanatory. If we want to learn something new, we just need to take the risk and try it out. Sometimes the outcome will be good and sometimes it may not be so good, but it is important that we at least try.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Emergency Medical Technician
Duties and Responsibilities: The job of an EMT depends on the level of education that EMT has received. It can also depend on the level of difficulty, there is basic, intermediate, or paramedic. ALL EMTs are required to obtain basic life-saving skills. An EMT is also required to know how to respond quickly to life-or-death situations.
Salary: The annual wage for an EMT is $31,020.
Education: To become an EMT, you must take certain programs that teach skills at the level of different EMTs. Some programs can give you an associate's degree. It is also recommended that you take the exam that is by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT).
Demand for this profession: The number of jobs in the years 2014-2024 for an EMT is expected to be 241,200. This is expected to grow 24% in the years 2014-2024.
Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I would not like to be an EMT because I am the WORST when it comes to serious situations. I panic and become stressed incredibly easily so I know that I would not be good at this job.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Student Success Statement (Original)
"You will never open any doors if your mind itself is a closed one." -Jennifer Marez
This statement reflects what I think is essential to get better in life. People need to be open minded. It is important that we open ourselves to criticism, to suggestions, to advice, and most of all, to honesty. I think that there are certain people and certain things in our lives that can help us grow and shine and be better than we already are. Being open minded doesn't mean that you have to agree with what everybody says or that you have to DO what everybody is doing. Being open minded means that we are mature and wise enough to admit our faults and that we are willing to LISTEN to someone else's point of view. It means that we respect other opinions while still sticking to our own. What I mean by this quote is that in order to get better, our mind needs to OPEN up to all the possibilities and opportunities in life. In school and in life. I feel that a lot of people are stubborn (like myself) and don't like to be wrong, but we have to learn to accept it sometimes. It is something that I truly believe in because it isn't something that is easily done. I have trouble with being open-minded, and I know how sometimes that can get in the way of my success. The point is this: in order to succeed in life, we need to be able to OPEN our minds and let other creativity and kindness in. We need to believe in something bigger than ourselves.
Ear Nose Throat Doctor
Duties and Responsibilities: An ENT specialist’s job is to review and check the ear, nose, and throat. They also specialize in the neck and head areas. They also perform surgeries around these areas. Focusing on these areas, they treat diseases and infections. They diagnose a patient before deciding the treatment that is needed.
Salary: An ENT specialist can earn up to $369,790 a year. The annual wage range for an ENT is around $290,000-$400,000.
Education: Student who would like to become an ENT specialist must take 4 years of medical school, and it is recommended that they take 2 years studying otolaryngology. It is also recommended that they take a residency program.
Demand for this profession: The number of jobs for an ENT specialist in the years 2014-2026 is estimated to be 13,200. The annual rate change for this is expected to be 29%.
Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I would not like to be a ENT specialist because I just don’t think that this career is for me.
Monday, September 26, 2016
Student Success Statement
"Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy."
David Bednar
This quote is saying that in order to be happy, we need to do what is right. We cannot be happy if we are always choosing what is wrong. We can't be happy if we are always being rebellious and defiant. It is important that our conscious is clear and that our soul is healthy, which sound really cheesy, but it is the truth. People need to do things that make them happy and that make them feel good not bad. So, what this quote is saying is: being obedient will get you farther in life. Being obedient doesn't necessarily mean that we are not in control or that we are "slaves". It simply means that you know that there is a time and a place for everything. Being obedient means that we are disciplined and well-mannered. That is why it is the key to being happy. A person who doesn't listen, a person who is close-minded will never get very far in life. I think that this quote is basically saying that we need to be open to LISTEN in order to be happy.
LAUSD Student Services
L.A.U.S.D offers many services that can help students with their education.
They provides services like:
- free lunch
- afterschool programs
- sports teams
- tutoring
- flexible schedules
- GREAT teachers
- services for ELD students
- classes for Special Ed students
The L.A.U.S.D website also provides many services, like:
- links to other educational websites (Library, School Menu, Graduation Requirements, etc.)
- links to ALL of L.A.U.S.D schools
- Parent-Student Handbook
- bullying information
- where you can go for help/support if you need it
- YOUR school information
I think that L.A.U.S.D. offers many helpful resources to students. I think it is important for students to be able to go to L.A.U.S.D for help when they need it. I use this resources because my school provides them for me and my school helps me step out of my comfort zone. I also use this educational resources whenever I need help in my classes or whenever I need to understand something more clearly.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Student Success Statement
"Choosing the right is always the right thing to do."
Alex Linares
To me, this quote means right will always be right and wrong will always be wrong. Because of that, it is important for us to always choose the right. I think that when people decide to do something right, then they get a great reward. Not necessarily money, but we receive joy and love knowing that we did the right the thing. This quote is stating that we should always choose the right? But why? Why do we always have to choose the right? Because it is the RIGHT thing to do. This quote is saying exactly that. It means that the right thing to do will always be doing just that, the right thing. I dont know if that really makes senses, but it does to me. I feel that people always do what is wrong, but for the wrong reasons. They choose the break the law or bully someone or maybe just not be a kind person. People do that because they know that something isn't right, whether it be with their self or with someone else. It is important to always choose the right because that is what stays with us forever and ever.
Duties and Responsibilities: A dermatologist needs to meet with patients and examine them to know what treatment is needed to be given to them. They take diagnostic tests and from there, they give the patient options and what can be done to help them. They
also perform procedures such as liposuction, laser resurfacing, and microdermabrasion.
Salary: Beginner dermatologist’s can make up to $300,000 a year. The annual wage for females is $262,500 and for males it is $300,00.
Education: To become a dermatologist you must do these 3 things; complete medical school, pass the United States Medical Licensing Examination, and complete all/part of a residency. They can also earn an undergraduate degree, and take on-the-job training.
Demand for this profession: The number of jobs for dermatologist’s in the years 2014-2024 is 708,300. The percent change for this employment rate for the years 2014-2024 is expected to be 14%.
Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I actually would like to be a dermatologist. I like to know about the skin and the superficial features of the body, like the face. I think it would be awesome to take this on as a career.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Student Success Statement
"What you are person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player."
John Wooden
I think that what Wooden was trying to say when he said this, is that people should be good people above anything else. It doesn't matter if you are the best of the best at basketball if you are a bad person. This quote means that we need to know who we are and understand ourselves in order to be able to be healthy and to do things that make us happy. I think it is important that people are good people no matter what life throws at them, whether it be good things or bad things. It is important to stay humble and to stay good and to let situations that we do not like, change us. Wooden here is saying that it is more important to know who YOU are, than to be a "basketball player", or anything else for that matter. At the end of the day, our heart and our character is what stays with us forever, not prizes or 1st place trophies.
Duties and Responsibilities: A choreographer’s job is to create examine story- lines and create dances that reflect the mood, or attitude, of that story-line. It can also be a song, or a T.V. show, or even a book. Their job is to make any type of story come to life by interpreting the emotion and feeling into dance moves. Those dance moves can be any type of dance, like hip hop, jazz, contemporary, ballet, etc.
Salary: Choreographer earn different wages depending on where they teach. Choreographers who teach at a junior college earn $75,300 a year, while choreographers who teach at elementary and secondary schools earn up to $55,350 a year. There is also the option of being and independent choreographer, and they make up to $50,500 a year.
Education: Many choreographer jobs only require a high school diploma, but most choreographers earn bachelor’s degrees. It is also required to have lots and lots of dance experience. The skills needed for this job are strong teamwork skills, good stamina and balance (physical well-being), being able to travel, and CREATIVITY. Creativity is essential and needed for this career because the dances (that are to be choreographed) are expected to tell their own story within a story. It is important that choreographers learn how to take risks and be bold with their choreography.
Demand for this career: The jobs available for this career in the years 2014-2024 is expected to be 20,100. The job rate is expected to change by 5% in the years 2014-2024.
Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I would LOVE to be a choreographer. I find it mesmerizing when I watch other amazing choreographers and their work. I feel that this career is just who I am as a person and I would really love to see my dreams come true by being one of those amazing choreographers as well.
Friday, September 16, 2016
Student Success Statements
"True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse."
This quote means that people should focus on things of the heart, not material things. It is suggesting that people need to realize that the heart is what matters most in life. I think that this quote is trying to say that people always like to think that money is more important, and that if you don 't have money then you don't have anything. But that is wrong. What truly matters in life is if you have a kind heart. If you are a kind and generous person, not if you drive a Lexus or if you own a big, fancy house. Material things don't last very long, and they also don't fulfill people. You can be incredibly rich and wealthy, but good does that do if internally you feel completely unhappy? It is important to always keep in mind that our heart is what stays with us forever. The way we treat others, the way we help out where help is needed, and the way we aren't afraid to show that generosity is what determines who we are as people. I feel that this quote is expressing the fact that true happiness and true fulfillment in life comes from the heart, not how many 20$ bills you have in your purse.
"True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse."
This quote means that people should focus on things of the heart, not material things. It is suggesting that people need to realize that the heart is what matters most in life. I think that this quote is trying to say that people always like to think that money is more important, and that if you don 't have money then you don't have anything. But that is wrong. What truly matters in life is if you have a kind heart. If you are a kind and generous person, not if you drive a Lexus or if you own a big, fancy house. Material things don't last very long, and they also don't fulfill people. You can be incredibly rich and wealthy, but good does that do if internally you feel completely unhappy? It is important to always keep in mind that our heart is what stays with us forever. The way we treat others, the way we help out where help is needed, and the way we aren't afraid to show that generosity is what determines who we are as people. I feel that this quote is expressing the fact that true happiness and true fulfillment in life comes from the heart, not how many 20$ bills you have in your purse.
Dental Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities: The job of a dental assistant is to make the patients feel comfortable and sometimes even examine them as well. They sit at the side of the dentist while he/she is performing a procedure, and they make sure that the dentist has everything he/she needs. Their job is also to keep and collect records. A dental assistant is required to do just that, assist the dentist.
Salary: The average annual wage for a dental assistant is $24,580 to $49,540. Dental assistants that find jobs in cities like Manchester, New Hampshire; Rochester, Minnesota; and Santa Rosa, California have the chance of earning a higher pay than other dental assistants.
Education: Many students take programs at community colleges in order to learn what it takes to become a dental assistant. They usually receive certificates that verify their training and skill. Students are required to pass an exam that tests their knowledge on what they learned. If they pass, they become a Certified Dental Assistant.
Demand for this profession: The number of jobs for a dental assistant in the years 2014-2024 is estimated to be 318,300. The percent change for this employment rate is expected to be 18% by the year 2024.
I would take this job into consideration, but just as a part-time job on the side. I think it would be a good way to learn how to interact with people and to improve my social skills. I also think it would help me learn how to listen carefully to directions.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Student Success Statements
"You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible."
Ezra T. Benson
Unless you don't have a conscience, we all get that feeling in the pit of our stomach when we do something that we know isn't right. It is just the way our brains work. Doing something wrong can only bring wrong and negative outcomes. That is what this quote is trying to say. It is saying the truth, the law of the universe. Whenever we tell the truth, or help out an old lady with her groceries, or listen to what our parents tell us, we feel good about ourselves. We feel good about ourselves because we did the RIGHT thing. That is why this quote is really truthful. I'm not saying that we will never do anything wrong in our lives, because the truth is that we WILL. But what I am saying is that when we do wrong, we know we are doing wrong because of the way we feel. We know, even if we don't want to admit to ourselves, that we aren't doing what our hearts are telling us to do. So, make sure to always listen to that little voices or that little feeling that lets you know that "this isn't right".
"You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible."
Ezra T. Benson
Unless you don't have a conscience, we all get that feeling in the pit of our stomach when we do something that we know isn't right. It is just the way our brains work. Doing something wrong can only bring wrong and negative outcomes. That is what this quote is trying to say. It is saying the truth, the law of the universe. Whenever we tell the truth, or help out an old lady with her groceries, or listen to what our parents tell us, we feel good about ourselves. We feel good about ourselves because we did the RIGHT thing. That is why this quote is really truthful. I'm not saying that we will never do anything wrong in our lives, because the truth is that we WILL. But what I am saying is that when we do wrong, we know we are doing wrong because of the way we feel. We know, even if we don't want to admit to ourselves, that we aren't doing what our hearts are telling us to do. So, make sure to always listen to that little voices or that little feeling that lets you know that "this isn't right".
Student Success Statements
"You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible."
Ezra T. Benson
Unless you don't have a conscience, we all get that feeling in the pit of our stomach when we do something that we know isn't right. It is just the way our brains work. Doing something wrong can only bring wrong and negative outcomes. That is what this quote is trying to say. It is saying the truth, the law of the universe. Whenever we tell the truth, or help out an old lady with her groceries, or listen to what our parents tell us, we feel good about ourselves. We feel good about ourselves because we did the RIGHT thing. That is why this quote is really truthful. I'm not saying that we will never do anything wrong in our lives, because the truth is that we WILL. But what I am saying is that when we do wrong, we know we are doing wrong because of the way we feel. We know, even if we don't want to admit to ourselves, that we aren't doing what our hearts are telling us to do. So, make sure to always listen to that little voices or that little feeling that lets you know that "this isn't right".
"You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible."
Ezra T. Benson
Unless you don't have a conscience, we all get that feeling in the pit of our stomach when we do something that we know isn't right. It is just the way our brains work. Doing something wrong can only bring wrong and negative outcomes. That is what this quote is trying to say. It is saying the truth, the law of the universe. Whenever we tell the truth, or help out an old lady with her groceries, or listen to what our parents tell us, we feel good about ourselves. We feel good about ourselves because we did the RIGHT thing. That is why this quote is really truthful. I'm not saying that we will never do anything wrong in our lives, because the truth is that we WILL. But what I am saying is that when we do wrong, we know we are doing wrong because of the way we feel. We know, even if we don't want to admit to ourselves, that we aren't doing what our hearts are telling us to do. So, make sure to always listen to that little voices or that little feeling that lets you know that "this isn't right".
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