Student Success Statement
"Character matters most."
A lot of people in life are living for all of the wrong reasons. Some people want fame, money, riches, love, etc. But what most people tend to forget is that what matters the most in life is who we are and what we define ourselves as. Whether you live in a mansion, or on the street; whether you have a Bugatti or a Honda Civic, what matters is what lies inside you. Your character is what will take you through life on a high or low ride. You cannot go through life wanting and wishing for fancy things, because those things will not matter when you die. There is a quote that says: "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget the way you made them feel." This quote also stresses the importance of how important it is to have good character. You can build your character by accomplishing great things such as volunteering or tutoring other people. Your character is what will help you or prevent you from sleeping at night. In order to be able to live gracefully and peacefully, you have to remember that your character matters the most.
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