Operating Room Technician
Salary: O.R.T.'s usually earn up to $41,032-$49,103 a year.
Education: A future O.R.T. is expected to pass exams such as the Certified Surgical Technologist (CST) exam. It is recommended to take courses involving Surgical procedures, Aseptic techniques, and Infection and immunology. A certificate or diploma is also required for this profession.
Demand for this profession: The number of jobs for an O.R.T. in the years 2014-2024 is 99,800. This is expected to change by 15% in the years 2014-2024.
Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I usually do not do well with life or death scenarios because I tend to panic a lot, so I wouldn’t like to be an O.R.T.

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