Monday, February 13, 2017

Valentine’s Day: The Meaning Behind Love<3

The History
About 2,000 years ago, the most powerful army was the Romans.  This army was so powerful that it conquered Europe, Asia, and Africa.  Once they began to obtain lots of money, Roman soldiers became lazy.  Many soldiers wanted to go home and marry their partners instead of working in the army.  Claudius II, the Emperor at the time, forbid his soldiers to run off and get married.  He declared that getting married was against the law.  During this time, a lot of Romans were of Christian faith.  Saint Valentine was the priest of a church in Rome, and he decided that even though it was against the law, he would still let people get married in his church.  This was supposed to be kept a secret, but the Claudius II soon found out and was not pleased.  He tried to make a deal with Valentine by suggesting that he stick to praying, not marrying people, but Valentine refused.  This resulted in Valentine’s arrest and incarceration, and he was also sentenced to death by the Emperor.  While in prison, Valentine received food from the jailer's daughter.  She was a young woman who was blind, and her and Valentine would spend long hours talking to each other.  One day, when Valentine reached his hand out of the bars and touched her eyes, he healed her blindness.  They fell in love with each other eventually.  On the day of his execution, February 14th, Valentine left the jailer's daughter a letter of love.  

How is it celebrated?
Valentine's Day is a day of love and friendship.  Usually couples will give each other gift like chocolate, flowers, teddy bears, cheesy Hallmark cards, etc.  Friends and family can also give each other gifts, because Valentine’s Day is not just for couples.  Couples/friends will sometimes go out to eat at a restaurant to celebrate Valentine’s Day.  

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