Student Success Statement
-Count Leo Tolstoy
When you do something good, you feel good. When you choose to be kind and to help others, as well as yourself, you begin to see yourself in a positive light. You begin to finally start living. This is because, people are meant to be good. We all have the ability to be mean, bullies, cruel, etc. But when we decide that it is time to finally start living, we start to do good. Doing kind things helps us with our confidence, and our self-esteem. Not only that, but it also helps us make others feel better. You are only truly living when you wake up every day and decide to make to absolute best of each day. Some people are alive, but not living. The difference is the choices we make every day. You can sit around and dwell on something so insignificant, or you can open your eyes and heart to all the extraordinary things that happen every day. You will only begin to live when you begin to do what is right for yourself, and for others.
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