Veterans Day
What is Veterans Day?
-Veterans Day is a national holiday that honors brave men and women who have served our country in the army.
When is Veterans Day?
-Veterans Day is on November 11th
What is the purpose of Veterans Day?
-We celebrate this holiday to show pride and support towards those who have fought for our country and soldiers who have gone to battle.
Why is it important to show honor on Veterans Day?
-It is important to show honor on Veterans Day because the people who have fought for our country are important and deserve recognition. These people keep us safe and do what is necessary for the rest of people to feel comfortable in their own country. They fight for us and they protect us from lots and lots of harm.
Ways to show honor and respect on Veterans Day:
- Show up to any community event that is happening in your community on Veterans Day
- Donate money to charities that fund money for veterans
- Talk to someone who has served about their time in the army
- Write a letter to a veteran, giving thanks
- Go to a VA hospital
- Memorial Day is not the same as Veterans Day, Memorial Day is to honor soldiers we have lost and Veterans Day is to honor soldiers who have served our country and who are still with us.
My thoughts:
Veterans Day is a very special holiday and everyone should celebrate in one way or another. The people who have served our country or who are still serving our country are amazing and deserve to be honored and respected. We must show respect because those people are doing a tremendous job. Soldiers in the army fight for us and for our right to live peaceful live. They go to countries all the way across the world in order to keep us safe. There could be a war going on right now and we wouldn't even know it. Veterans deserve honor because they are doing honorable things. Not everyone has the guts to go out into battle and fight because it is very dangerous. Despite that, our soldiers are still out there. They are fighting for us, for themselves and for our country, which is why they deserve respect.
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