Friday, November 18, 2016

Student Success Statement
“Manners maketh man.”
  • William Wykeham

What this quote is trying to say is that what makes our personality or our manners.  I think that by manners, Wykeham doesn't just mean saying “please” or “thank you”.  Manners include being kind and generous.  For example, if you are on the bus and see and older person standing up, you give them your seat.  This actions shows manners and kindness.  Manners are very important because it can be the first thing people notice about you.  People usually notice this first because it is rude or sometimes even disrespectful (to some people) to not say “thank you”.  Manners don't necessarily define us as people, but it is a big part of who we are,  Not only because manners show us being kind, but because it also says a lot about how we grew up.  How we were raised is also a big thing people can determine by observing whether we have manners or not.  Manners show that we are considerate and polite, because we were taught to be that way since childhood.  I think that this quote is very important and true because manners are important and needed in everyday life.

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