Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Student Success Statement
“Kindness is the essence of greatness.”
-Joseph B. Wirthlin

Most people know that being kind is the most easiest thing a person can do.  It doesn’t cost anything, it makes us feel good, it allows us to become better people.  Sometimes, when people become great, they forget to stay humble and down to earth.  What this quote is trying to say is that in order to be seen as great, we need to be kind.  Kind to ourselves and kind to others.  If you are the fastest runner in the world, for example, and you are well-known.  You are famous and have a lot of money because you run incredibly fast.  Do you think you would still be so  well-known and famous if you were stuck-up and cocky?  Life is about being grateful for what you have and about never forgetting where you came from.  It is always going to be easy to be kind.  People must remember that being kind makes us into who we are, whether we are kind with ourselves or whether we are kind with other.

Thanksgiving Week

Thanksgiving Break was very much needed and it helped me relax and just take a break from school.  I went to visit my dad to Moreno Valley, which is where he lives.  On Friday, the day we came out of school (the 18th), I went to support my friend Lupe at her basketball game.  She is an amazing player, and her team won the game.  The weekend was pretty fun, on Saturday I went to a baby shower with my aunt and on Sunday I went to church with my mom.  Monday and Tuesday were when I spent time in Moreno Valley.  I went to go visit my Youth Group and it was really good seeing them again.  I always miss them and whenever I see them, I feel like home.  On Wednesday I came back to my home, and I didn’t really do anything.  Wednesday was a “watch TV” day for me.  Thursday was Thanksgiving, and my mom made godornizes with rice and beans.  We watched the movie “The Pacifier” with Vin Diesel and it was really funny.  Friday was also a lazy day, since I went to sleep very late the day before.  We stayed in the house until 5, and then went to go wash because we had a lot of clothes to wash.  Saturday, again, was also a lazy day.  We were going to go to Citywalk and Universal Studios, but on the way there it started pouring rain, so we came back home.  Sunday, the last day of break (sadly), we went to church and then to eat.  After that, we came back home.  I did all of my break homework on Sunday afternoon, because I am a procrastinator and I “like” to wait last minute to do everything.  My break was really great honestly.  It helped me refresh and take a break from all the school stress with IDP and finals coming up soon.  I had an amazing break, and I am thankful for that.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Student Success Statement
“Manners maketh man.”
  • William Wykeham

What this quote is trying to say is that what makes our personality or our manners.  I think that by manners, Wykeham doesn't just mean saying “please” or “thank you”.  Manners include being kind and generous.  For example, if you are on the bus and see and older person standing up, you give them your seat.  This actions shows manners and kindness.  Manners are very important because it can be the first thing people notice about you.  People usually notice this first because it is rude or sometimes even disrespectful (to some people) to not say “thank you”.  Manners don't necessarily define us as people, but it is a big part of who we are,  Not only because manners show us being kind, but because it also says a lot about how we grew up.  How we were raised is also a big thing people can determine by observing whether we have manners or not.  Manners show that we are considerate and polite, because we were taught to be that way since childhood.  I think that this quote is very important and true because manners are important and needed in everyday life.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Student Success Statement
“If it is not right; do not do it; If it is not true; do not say it.”
 -Marcus Aurelius

I really like this S.S.S.  It is very wise and most people should follow this.  For example, if you are at a party and someone offers you a drink, it is not right to take if you are under age.  SO, because it is not right, you do not do it.  Another example is, if you hear a rumor and you know it is not true, do not say it.  We have to learn to do what is right and to be people of truth.  What this quote is saying is to follow your gut.  People feel when something is not right , which is why they don't do it.  In life, there is going to be people who do not live like this.  Those people do not have integrity.  Aurelius is trying to say that if we do this, we will be happier and at peace with ourselves and with others.  We must learn how to do what is right and speak the truth.


Thanksgiving Day is a day where people give thanks for all that they are thankful for.  Many families get together on this day so that they can celebrate it together.  The “First Thanksgiving” was celebrated in 1621.  The history behind this is every interesting.  The “First Thanksgiving” was celebrated by Pilgrims.  Pilgrims celebrated this after their first harvest in the New World (1621).  They ate lots of food, like turkey and pig.  This is why most people celebrate Thanksgiving with a big dinner, usually turkey as the main dish.  

What am I thankful for?
  1. God
  2. Both of my parents
  3. The people who love me
  4. The people who i love
  5. The tough times in my life
  6. FOOD
  7. Music
  8. Hip-Hop
  9. Books
  10. My family.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Student Success Statement
"Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important that winning or losing."
                -Chick Moorman

What this quote is trying to say is to always stay humble.  People need to understand that winning is not everything.  Choosing the right will allow you to be at peace with yourself.  For example, when people let fame get to their heads it is because they believe that winning is everything.  But we must always remember that if we are not people of honor, we cannot be become better.  I think that people are more corrupt today then maybe 5 years ago.  This is because society has become so ugly, where we think that winning is everything.  We do whatever it takes to appeal to people who are not even important to us.  Doing what is right is more important than what society will think of you.  People need to realize that we must do what is right simply because it is the right thing to do.

Image result for doing what's right fair and honorable

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Veterans Day

What is Veterans Day?
-Veterans Day is a national holiday that honors brave men and women who have served our country in the army.

When is Veterans Day?
-Veterans Day is on November 11th
What is the purpose of Veterans Day?
-We celebrate this holiday to show pride and support towards those who have fought for our country and soldiers who have gone to battle.

Why is it important to show honor on Veterans Day?
-It is important to show honor on Veterans Day because the people who have fought for our country are important and deserve recognition.  These people keep us safe and do what is necessary for the rest of people to feel comfortable in their own country.  They fight for us and they protect us from lots and lots of harm.

Ways to show honor and respect on Veterans Day:
  • Show up to any community event that is happening in your community on Veterans Day
  • Donate money to charities that fund money for veterans
  • Talk to someone who has served about their time in the army
  • Write a letter to a veteran, giving thanks
  • Go to a VA hospital
  • Memorial Day is not the same as Veterans Day, Memorial Day is to honor soldiers we have lost and Veterans Day is to honor soldiers who have served our country and who are still with us.

My thoughts:
Veterans Day is a very special holiday and everyone should celebrate in one way or another.  The people who have served our country or who are still serving our country are amazing and deserve to be honored and respected.  We must show respect because those people are doing a tremendous job.  Soldiers in the army fight for us and for our right to live peaceful live.  They go to countries all the way across the world in order to keep us safe.  There could be a war going on right now and we wouldn't even know it.  Veterans deserve honor because they are doing honorable things.  Not everyone has the guts to go out into battle and fight because it is very dangerous.  Despite that, our soldiers are still out there.  They are fighting for us, for themselves and for our country, which is why they deserve respect.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Student Success Statement
“ 1. Have the courage to say no.
  2. Have the courage to face the truth.
  3. Do the right thing because it is right.
These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity.”
   -W. Clement Stone

Integrity is a personality trait that not many people have.  Why?  Because integrity takes all of those three things listed above, and most people do not know how to do them.  Integrity is important in ourselves and in life because it is what can make us good or bad.  For example, having the courage to say no makes us wiser.  When we can think for ourselves and realize that we have free will, we will be much stronger mentally.  No one can force us to do anything we do not want to do.  Having the courage to face the truth allows us to have peace.  Lies cause stress and worry and negativity.  The truth may not always be pleasant, but it is better to know the actual truth than to think a lie is the truth.  Finally, the last one is the most important to me.  Most people in this world are selfish.  They do the right thing for a reward, a cash price, or to impress people.  When in reality, doing the right thing should be done because it is right.  We should do the right thing because it is simply the right thing to do, and because we know and feel in our hearts that it is the right thing to do.  Integrity consists of these three things because these three things help us live a happy life.  

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Student Success Statement
“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”
     -Proverbs 13:20

I do not believe that who your friends are is who you are, nor do i believe that having friends who do bad things will lead you to do bad things.  We all have free will and we all know the difference between right and wrong.  No matter who we hang out with, whether they be good or bad,   we make our own decisions and choices.  However, this quote is saying that the people who surround ourselves with are  important because they impact our lives.  Which is true.  It is important to have good and positive people in your life, so that your life does not have anybody negative trying to come in and bring you down.  I do believe that we must surround ourselves with people who make us happy and who love us unconditionally.  I like this quote because it has a bigger meaning then just “don't do bad things”.  The meaning behind this quote is that people will come and go, good and bad people, but we choose who we let stay in our life.  And we should choose people who make us happy.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Student Success Statement
“The best recreation is to do good.”
-William Penn

Every time we do something good, we feel better about ourselves.  This quote is saying that helping others and being kind is the best kind of medicine.  In order to feel brand new or to re-create ourselves, being kind helps that.  Not only doing good things for others, but also for yourself.  It is important that we are kind to ourselves as well.  For example, whenever you feel like you just need to relax, it helps to read.  It calms you down and helps you relax.  In order for us to feel good, we must do good.

Image result for being kind