Environmental Health Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities: An environmental health specialist’s job is to make sure that an environment (such as residential, industrial, commercial, and recreational) is healthy and safe. An E.H.S. has to make sure that an environment meets certain safety and health regulations. THeir job is to check for health or safety hazards and make any changes necessary to an environment in order to make it suitable.
Salary: An E.H.S. makes up to $37,300 to $57,551 a year.
Education: To become and E.H.S., you must obtain a bachelor's degree. Students who want to become environmental health specialist’s will take courses such as chemistry, biology, public health, physical sciences, etc. They can also receive credentials or licenses from the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA).
Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
This career actually does interest me. I would like to be an environmental health specialist because the job seems fun and it would also be healthy to know safety and health regulations not just for the job, but for myself and my family (in the future).
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