Duties and Responsibilities: Optometrists specialize in diseases and problems that have to do with the eye. Their job is to work with patients and see whether or not their eyes are healthy. Once an optometrist has met with a patient, their job is to examine their eyes closely and efficiently. Optometrists must prescribe glasses or contacts to people who need them, and also give advice on how to keep your eyes healthy.
Salary: Optometrists usually earn up to $103, 900 a year.
Education: Optometrists must obtain a Doctor of Optometry (OD) degree from a school that has been accredited by the Accreditation Council on Optometric Education. Optometrists usually have a 4 years bachelors degree before entering this program, which can take up to 4 years.
After this, optometrists must receive a license from the National Board of Examiners in Optometry by taking an exam. All optometrists have to be licensed in order to perform procedures on patients.
Demand for this profession: The number of jobs for this profession in the years 2014-2024 is expected to be 40, 600. The employment rate for this profession is expected to grow by 27% in the years 2014-2024.
Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I would consider being an optometrist because I like working and socializing with people.
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